Saturday, March 30, 2013



During today's session we will complete our Blended Tools project.  At the end of our last session you should have completed a Thinglink pertaining to words describing Adora Svitak, the youngest speaker at TED.   

Next, go to your wiki.    Click on the plus sign (+) beside Pages and Files.  In the pop up window, create a new page named ADORA SVITAK.  For your first line on the new page, type something similar to "This is an assignment pertaining to Adora Svitak, the youngest speaker on TED.  What would you do if she were in your class?" 

Underneath the statement about Adora Svitak,embed the video about her into your wiki. Here is the embed code:  Type some sort of caption under the video.
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" mozallowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" src="" webkitallowfullscreen="" width="560"></iframe><br />

Go to your Thinglink account and open the project from last week.  You need to copy the embed code for your Thinglink, but where do you find it?  Right click on your Thinglink and then click on Share Image.  You'll see a window pop up.  Notice that it has the embed code.  Copy it.  Embed your Thinglink into your wiki.  Type some sort of caption under it.

Now that you know quite a bit about Adora Svitak, it is time for you to create an activity that would be suitable for her if she were in one of your classes.  It doesn't matter which subject.  That is up to you.  What kind of activity would keep her engaged, interested and challenged intellectually?  Talk about differentiation!!!!!   Would you incorporate technology?  If so, which tool(s)?  Why not embed a sample or at least include the web address?  Would you prefer research or perhaps something more creative?  Would you refer to a video?  If so, which one?  Questions, questions, questions!!!!!  I'm not asking you to write a lesson plan.  Tell me about just one activity but it has to be one suitable for someone as intelligent as Adora Svitak.  Would you be intimidated to have her in your class?  Think about it.  You may complete this section in anyway you choose.  Be creative!  Add this to your wiki.

Take a few minutes to read the activity created by one of your peers?  What do you think?  Give your feedback to him/her.  Also make sure yours has been critiqued by at least one other teacher.  Make any needed changes.

As you worked on this project which levels of Blooms Taxonomy did you incorporate?  Which tasks dealt with Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating and Creating?  Just think about it.


So far we have had three workshops pertaining to various online tech tools and last week you created a wiki to house your projects and hyperlinks to your sties.  Well today you're going to start an assignment involving a blend of tools or a combination of tech tools.  When using tech tools, don't just settle on one.  Try to think how a few of them together could  more actively engage the students as well as create a more interesting and informative project.  This assignment will include:

The following video is of Adora Svitak, the youngest speaker at TED.  It's only eight minutes long. As she talks, write down a list of words that you would use to describe her - there should be lots of them!  Underline those words that you consider to be the most important.

Go to and import your list of words into a word cloud.  Decide which words in your list are more important and type them two or three times.  This will make them larger.  Don't spend much time deciding upon fonts and color schemes.  Do this as quickly as possible.

For our next step, we need to save this word cloud as a .jpeg.  You'll find out why later.  This can be done very easily using our PrintScreen key and PowerPoint.  With the word cloud on your screen, search your keyboard and press the PrtSc key.  You have just took a photo of whatever is on your computer screen.  In this case, it is your word cloud.

Now open up a blank slide in PowerPoint.  Click on the screen, then right click, Paste.  Voila, there is your word cloud. 

Under Picture Tools, click on Format.  Then click on Crop.  Now you will be able to trim off any excess that you don't need and the photo will fit more snugly on the slide.

 But we're not finished yet.  Now we have to save it as a .jpeg.  This can be done very easily.  Click on File, Save As.  Give it  a name and instead of saving it as a PowerPoint Presentation, save it as a JPEG File Interchange Format.  Be sure to note which directory you put it In, such as Documents.  Finally click on Save.  Next click on Every Slide and finally on OK.  That's it.  My word cloud is now a .Jpeg and is stored in My Documents.

If your computer happens not to have PowerPoint, try using Paint.  Click HERE to see how.

Have you guessed why we needed our word cloud saved as a .Jpeg?  We need it as a .Jpeg in order to import it into ThingLink.  So let's do that now.  If you need directions for uploading a photo to ThingLink go to the following YouTube tutorials..  Once uploaded, start tagging the words in your word cloud.  Elaborate on various, especially those that you enlarged.  Elaboration can be in the form of comments or hyperlinks to Youtube videos.


Now you need to copy the URL for your ThingLink, but where do you find it?  It's in the address bar of course.  Copy this link.  It will be sent to your lead teacher.

Next week we will complete our blended project.  So what's for homework this week?  If you didn't have a chance to complete the five steps above, do so.  These steps have to be completed in order to finish the blended project next week.  Please email the URL for your ThingLink assignment, Step Four, to your lead teacher.  That's it.

Monday, March 25, 2013


1)      Web Glow:  When someone looks better in online photos then they do in person.

John - Hey dude, did you hang out with that girl Katie from Facebook?
Mike - Yea but I regret it, it was all web glow. She's really only a 4.


2)      Going Commandtoe:  Going commandtoe is when you wear shoes without socks. Often done in the summer or if no socks are available.

Ray saw it was a bit of a scorcher outside so he decided to get some air between his toes by going commandtoe


3)      Reminder Storm:  When everyone sitting around you in an office has the same appointment and you hear everyone’s cell phone reminder for that appointment go off at the approximately the same time.

I was walking by finance when a reminder storm hit.


4)      Floor Sample:  Food that has fallen to the floor that you pick up and eat anyway.

Clumsily, he dropped a slice of ham on the floor, but picked it up remembering the 3-second rule, exclaiming "floor sample!".


5)      Sofa Sunday:  'Sofa Sunday' is the day or days when most people shop for the holiday gifts using their tablets.

What a sofa sunday! (I got many of my gifts for the holidays purchased from the convenience of my home, using my tablet)


6)      Generation XL:  A generation of obese kids.

I belong to the generation X.  My 6 years old cousin definitely belongs to the generation XL.


7)      Struggle Bus:  Used to metaphorically describe a difficult situation, as in hard schoolwork.

 Student: "Y'all, I have 6 papers and 4 tests within the next 2 weeks. Definitely on that struggle bus!"


8)      Photobomb: An otherwise normal photo that has been ruined or spoiled by someone who was not supposed to be in the photograph.

The most common photobomb is someone in the background making a face. 


9)      Prosopobibliophobia:   Facebook phobia, or having an aversion to all things Facebook.

"I'be been suffering from a bout of prosopobibliophobia - I haven't updated my profile pic, in months"


10)   Going Screensaver:  When you notice a coworker spacing out, or dozing off in a meeting.

“Check it out, look at Joe. He’s going screensaver.”


11)   Yolo:  You only live once.

Hey dude, yolo.


12)   Malemployed:  When what you do for a living makes you want to kill yourself.

I re-edit text that has already been edited in India; I am so malemployed.




Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today, instead of just listening to me, you will be working on your laptops.  What will you be doing?  Something wikid of course - you'll be creating your own personal wiki.  This wiki will be used as an e-portfolio in which you can store the projects that you have already done as well as those you will be doing in the near future.  Since these wikis are not blocked you will also be able to share them with the students in your classes.

If you ever need to know which sites are blocked to students, sign in with this username and password:
Password:  Studenttestpassword

Click on image above and create your own wiki.

Be sure to make your wiki public by doing the following:
*At the top of the wiki click on Manage Wiki
*Click on Permissions
*You must change it from Private to Public
*This can be done by making a phone call to the number listed
*Write down 6 digit number
*Type number in designated place
*Click on Public

Check out my wiki at


The teachers at each table will make up a team.  Discuss the following question, "Which is more important - Science, Technology, Engineering or Math."  Once your team has decided, go to and choose a video that best illustrates your choice.  In your wiki, embed the video using the HTML or embed code.  Underneath your video, type at least one sentence defending your choice between Science, Technology, Engineering or Math.


Go to the following address:

Create a fake text conversation about something pertaining to technology or about one of the subjects you teach.  Once completed, embed this project into your wiki.  
When finished with this homework assignment, send the URL to your wiki so that your lead teacher can see your embedded text conversation.  If for some reason, you can't embed the fake text conversation, upload a second YouTube video pertaining to one of the subjects you teach and type a brief paragraph underneath explaining why you chose it.

As always, if you have difficulty with this assignment you may email me or call me for assistance.  Call 840-6400.



Friday, March 8, 2013


The ThingLink Interactive Image Contest invites students to connect audio, video, images, and text in one cohesive presentation. Students will dig deeper into content through research to present knowledge and ideas as they learn, practice and demonstrate digital literacy skills in image creation, selection, content curation, creativity, tagging and sharing.
Eligibility: All students K-12 are eligible to enter. Teachers and parents may enter an image on a student’s behalf.
Submission Deadline: Images may be submitted through May 1, 2013.
Winners will be announced on May 15, 2013.
  • My Favorite Books or Authors
  • Science — Think Like a Scientist!
  • Health & Well-being — You, Your Family, Your Friends
  • Environment — The World Around Us
  • Community — Volunteering & Making a Difference
  • Money Smarts — Earning, Saving, Spending
  • Art & Music — Express Yourself!
  • Sports — Game On!
  • History & Social Studies — From Yesterday to Today
  • Animals — Furry, Friendly, & Fierce
(Unfortunately this site is blocked because it is connected to Facebook.  Students will have to use this site at home.)
Draw it Live is a free application that allows you to work together with other people to draw in real time. You simply create a whiteboard and share its URL to allow other people to join in.
No password is required, and no special plugins are required.
Just click on the link, type in your name, and start drawing and chatting with your friends: 
Want a site that can help you:
*Introduce a new unit
*Review for a test
*Create lesson plans for a sub
*Flip your classroom
*Catch up students who have been absent
*Differentiate your instruction?

Create a lesson plan using Edcanvas.  Make sure it contains at least five slides.  Try to incorporate multi-media.  Click on Share, copy and send the URL to your Lead Teacher. 
Next time......