Monday, March 25, 2013


1)      Web Glow:  When someone looks better in online photos then they do in person.

John - Hey dude, did you hang out with that girl Katie from Facebook?
Mike - Yea but I regret it, it was all web glow. She's really only a 4.


2)      Going Commandtoe:  Going commandtoe is when you wear shoes without socks. Often done in the summer or if no socks are available.

Ray saw it was a bit of a scorcher outside so he decided to get some air between his toes by going commandtoe


3)      Reminder Storm:  When everyone sitting around you in an office has the same appointment and you hear everyone’s cell phone reminder for that appointment go off at the approximately the same time.

I was walking by finance when a reminder storm hit.


4)      Floor Sample:  Food that has fallen to the floor that you pick up and eat anyway.

Clumsily, he dropped a slice of ham on the floor, but picked it up remembering the 3-second rule, exclaiming "floor sample!".


5)      Sofa Sunday:  'Sofa Sunday' is the day or days when most people shop for the holiday gifts using their tablets.

What a sofa sunday! (I got many of my gifts for the holidays purchased from the convenience of my home, using my tablet)


6)      Generation XL:  A generation of obese kids.

I belong to the generation X.  My 6 years old cousin definitely belongs to the generation XL.


7)      Struggle Bus:  Used to metaphorically describe a difficult situation, as in hard schoolwork.

 Student: "Y'all, I have 6 papers and 4 tests within the next 2 weeks. Definitely on that struggle bus!"


8)      Photobomb: An otherwise normal photo that has been ruined or spoiled by someone who was not supposed to be in the photograph.

The most common photobomb is someone in the background making a face. 


9)      Prosopobibliophobia:   Facebook phobia, or having an aversion to all things Facebook.

"I'be been suffering from a bout of prosopobibliophobia - I haven't updated my profile pic, in months"


10)   Going Screensaver:  When you notice a coworker spacing out, or dozing off in a meeting.

“Check it out, look at Joe. He’s going screensaver.”


11)   Yolo:  You only live once.

Hey dude, yolo.


12)   Malemployed:  When what you do for a living makes you want to kill yourself.

I re-edit text that has already been edited in India; I am so malemployed.




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